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Sperrinview Special School, Dungannon

Pants Programme

16th Sep 2019

Southern Trust Area Campaign Launch

PANTS The Underwear Rule


Southern Trust would like to invite you to save the following date:

Wednesday 20th November 2019

Launch of PANTS campaign 10 am-12 noon

Seagoe Parish Centre, Portadown

The NSPCC in partnership with the Promoting Wellbeing Division, SHSCT and funded by the Public Health Agency, would like to invite you to Save the Date for the launch of the Southern PANTS campaign. The event will be of interest to those supporting parents/carers of young children and those with an interest in safeguarding and child protection. The campaign will promote the following resources across the Southern Trust area

Further information and booking forms for the event will follow shortly – if you have any immediate queries please contact


Background Information

The NSPCC Underwear Rule campaign has been one of the most successful recent campaigns for the NSPCC.

The Underwear Rules’ national campaign objective was: To encourage parents to talk to their children about keeping safe from sexual abuse and to build their confidence to do so by encouraging them to seek out NSPCC’s help and guidance in the form of the ‘Underwear Rule’.

Target audience:

Parents and carers of children aged 5-11 years

Overarching key message:

  • Simple conversations can help keep children safe from abuse

Key messages for parents:

  • Parents and carers can help keep their children safe from abuse by having simple conversations at times that work for them
  • The NSPCC recognises it can be difficult for parents and carers, but our experience from the campaign shows it is lot easier than they might think
  • The ‘Underwear Rule’ is a tool to aid these conversations and has been warmly received by parents and carers
  • The NSPCC is giving parents tips and child-friendly language to help make the conversations as easy as possible

Whilst the campaign has been available nationally to download and access bespoke local campaigns have enabled the messages to reach further and become more deeply embedded into local services to reach families.

Launch of "Pants" Programme (20th Sep 2019) View download letter