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Sperrinview Special School, Dungannon

Shoe Box Tasks 2

12th May 2020

Ron Larsen, former TEACCH therapist and creator of ShoeboxTasks will host another FREE Zoom webinar next Monday - May 18th at 3pm Eastern Daylight Time (+5 hours for UK).

  1. Review of basic one-on-one work session

  2. Folder Tasks 

  3. One-on-one table vs. independent work table 

  4. Work system in shop 

  5. Light table

Please NOTE: the session will be approx. 40 minutes in length and participants are limited to 100. If you are unable to attend, a recording will be available upon request.

We are trying to work out all the bugs encountered during the last session so hopefully it will be smoother and easier to digest. Questions will be addressed towards the end, however, if we run out of time, no question will go unanswered as emailing Ron directly is always an option:

Take care and see you on the 18th!