Dear Parent/Guardian
Parental Responsibility
There are two laws in Northern Ireland that relate to Parental Responsibility and aim to strengthen relationships between parents and their children. The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 became law in November 1996. The Family Law Act 2001 became law on 15 April 2002.
The attached explains about parental responsibility. Please read it carefully.
These laws mean that the school is required to hold details of your family which we have not previously requested. I realise that some of this information may be of a sensitive and personal nature, however it will be treated in confidence by the school.
Under the Data Protection Act, we must allow anyone whose details you give to us to check that the information you have given about them is accurate, if they so wish.
The details you give us will help to make sure that all those who have parental responsibility for your child(ren) can be fully involved in their education. This is especially important if they do not live with their child(ren).
I would be grateful if you could make sure that you tell us if there are any changes in your family in the future, especially in any Court Orders are made or revoked, or in anyone changes their address or contact telephone numbers.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards,
Paula Jordan Principal
Sperrinview Special School, 8 Coalisland Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT71 6FA
Tel: 028 8772 2467 | E-Mail: