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Sperrinview Special School, Dungannon

Board of Governors

Chair Mrs N Kennedy   
Secretary Ms R Walker (Principal)
EA Southern Region Governors Mrs K Courtenay, Mr D Cross, Mrs S Moore
DENI Governors Mrs N Kennedy
Parent Governors  Mr A Magowan, Mr K Black
Teacher Governor Mr K Reid
Principal Ms R Walker (non voting member)    

Responsibilities of Governors

Governors have responsibility for the overall management of the school.  They are obliged to meet at least three times per year. 

Governors’ duties include:

  1. Oversight of the Curriculum.
  2. Provision of information to parents.
  3. Selection of staff.
  4. Maintenance of school (shared responsibility with EA)
  5. Fostering links with the local community and pursuing the objectives of Education for Mutual Understanding.