Would you like to make a movie with us?
We hear that you all really enjoyed watching the staff do the Makaton-signed song "I Won't Give Up". This is your chance to join with the staff to make another one!
We have chosen The Blessing as our next project. Parents, please join with your child OR do it yourself OR get the whole family involved - we really don't mind! The links to the song are below. One version is signed by an expert, and this is the easiest way to learn the signs. The other is a compilation much like the one we would like to produce.
- Watch the song and learn the signs. It can be the whole song, if you are brave, or just a little section such as the 'Amens'. You will get the idea when you watch the compilation.
- Either get someone else to video you or set the phone/ipad right in front of you so your hands are easily seen.
- Video in LANDSCAPE (phone turned on it's side - longside up)
- Whats App your video with your name to the school phone 07764 346794
We would love to have it up on the website by the end of June, so please have your videos to us by 14th June to allow for editing.
Give it a go! - its a beautiful song and learning Makaton is a brilliant way to support communication for our pupils.
Sperrinview Special School, 8 Coalisland Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT71 6FA
Tel: 028 8772 2467 | E-Mail: info@sperrinview.dungannon.ni.sch.uk